promote the
The art and culture platform to promote the career prospects of young migrants!
A platform with the main objective of promoting the employment of young migrants based on their motivation, to create a moment of shared happiness.

What will be the lines of action of the platform?

Now we need
Cultural industry managers and technical companies that can offer internships which the young migrants can apply for.

Are you joining?
Yes, I belong to an artistic or cultural industry!
Yes, I am a young migrant or I know some!

This Migrant Festival project was created in the ATRAC hackathon as part of the ATRAC project.

The ATRAC project has been promoted by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and seeks to create spaces for reflection around the reception of young people who migrate alone.

The Transmedia Catalonia research group of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, with funding from a call from la Caixa Foundation, has organized five activities for the ATRAC project as part of Reflections Project at Palau Macaya 2020-2021 to generate new solutions around the integration of young migrants.

During the first three activities, challenges arose from debates between public administrations, European projects working for the reception of migrants (TRACTION and SO-CLOSE), and interested entities and young people. The fourth activity was the participatory event in a hackathon format, and in the fifth activity this solution was presented to researchers from leading universities and centres of artistic creation.

© Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.