At CHAPTER#2 we believe that innovation can be used as a tool for social and labour inclusion.

Meaningful occupation is the occupation that has meaning for the individual and forms a part of his personal and social identity.

Entrepreneurship can be approached as a way to reach meaningful occupation and the Social Economy is the framework.

But business lean methodologies are the tools for structuring and testing projects.

Our three proposals:
1) Meaningful occupation through entrepreneurship programs, either for structuring an idea or for accelerating it.

We Can (Welcoming Entrepreneurship: Creating Alternative Narratives) - erasmus+
WE CAN is a 2-year project funded by the European Erasmus + fund that aims to stimulate and support the integration of migrants in Europe through social innovation.
Entrepreneurship capacity building for young refugees,
co-funded by the EU.
Itinerari Carme Obradors
Together with the Social Economy Network, entrepreneurship for migrants with social impact projects.
lltiŕ for the democracy regeneration and the conspiracy between ruralities.
2) Participatory processes through hackathons: events where a specific challenge is addressed by different stakeholders in a short period of time.
Hackathon #UniversitatRefugi by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Hackathon #BerguedàAcollim by Consell Comarcal del Berguedà.
Hackathon #EspaiMigracions by Espai Societat Oberta (Open Society Foundations).
Hackathon on young migrant integration by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona funded by La Caixa Foundation. Landing page
Hackathon with 16yo students at Daina Isard school.
3) We love the triangle meaningful occupation, lean methodologies and the Social Economy so we provide consultancy to any of these fields.
Civichub - acceleration programme for civictech projects,
co-funded by Catalunya Emprèn and the European Social Fund.
Refugees' integration in Catalan small municipalities
Video clip with unaccompanied young migrants for exploring their motivations.
Soul Food Fighters: Cooking workshop with unaccompanied young migrants for exploring their motivations.
Organisations from the Social Economy in Tarragona have joined efforts for creating new solutions towards vulnerabilities.
Second degree cooperative for promoting rural Catalonia.
The Rural Municipalities Network (Associació de Micropobles de Catalunya) coordinates Oportunitat500, a project to host migrants and refugees in rural Catalonia.